- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
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 July 25 , 2003 

The numbers add up to controversy over the fate of A1+ TV.

Who Owns the Air?: Third ban on "Opposition" TV draws criticism

A decision by the Radio and Television Commission of Armenia has drawn sharp criticism from proponents of free speech and from international agencies who say such action does little to secure Armenia' s place as a developing democracy.

For the third time in 15 months the Commission refused last week to grant television broadcast licenses to A1+ and Noyan Tapan companies. From 1997 until last year, both companies were broadcasting, and were considered "oppositional" stations, meaning that their reports include information sometimes critical of the Government. Noyan Tapan stopped broadcasting in September 2001 (under government pressure some say). A1+ was denied a new license in April 2002.

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Speculation or Progress? Media interest opens debate on Armenian-Turkish relations .

Last month's meeting between Armenia's and Turkey's ministers of foreign affairs has intensified media debate and speculation on relations between the two countries.

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Outside Eye: A non-Armenian's view of life in his adopted home

We started with belief. We had no office, no name, no money.
We had a staff who shared our belief: That what we could add to the media community in Armenia, was needed.

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Anti-Poetry: Street rhythms deafen the eternal in contemporary artist's work

As freedom of artistic expression toddles its way toward maturity in Armenia, philosophical clashes arise between traditionalists and those inclined to break barriers.

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Sports and Culture Conference: Panarmenian Youth Foundation sets up camp in Dilijan

Beginning Monday and continuing through next week, some 550 youth from Armenia and Diaspora will gather in Dilijan for the second Panarmenian youth conference.

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Wet and Wild: Ancient tradition of Vartavar arrives Sunday

They wait like little bandits, these children armed with buckets and bottles of water on this single day of cultural dispensation, when they are more or less expected to douse unsuspecting passersby.

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Sports: Draw in Iceland advances Pyunic to UEFA second round

Pyunic Football Club entered the second qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League after a 1-1 draw against KR Reykjavík Wednesday at Laugardalsvöllur stadium in Reykjavik.

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According to Agnes
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Double Death: Siamese twins birth and death separate family.

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Family Law: Newly enforced legislation makes surrogate birth more appealing to the childless.

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The Week in Seven Days.

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  Photo of the week
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This has been a nerve-wracking week for many students as they have waited to discover if they have passed entrance exams for universities in Armenia. For this student in Yerevan, success brought a smile and a kiss from a relative.


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