is published by New Times Journalism
Training Center, a Non-Governmental Organization in
Yerevan, Armenia.
The weekly website exists as a newsroom laboratory
in which journalists and editors in Armenia are taught
the application of methodology and theory of Western
Our goal is to produce real change in the approach
of local journalists by immersing them in long-term
training that makes clear how Western-style reporting
works and what benefits it can bring when applied to
subjects in Armenia.
ArmeniaNow hopes to influence the style of journalism
practiced by other publications both directly through
making our material available to them free of charge,
and indirectly, by taking some of their reporters and
editors on short-term attachments.
The training center grew from research and experience
that shows that media in Armenia lacks objectivity,
as it is almost entirely financed by special interest
sources - primarily, political factions. Consequently,
journalists bound to the very practical need of survival,
are encouraged to produce reports that satisfy the agenda
of party politics.
The result is an atmosphere of distrust by readers,
perpetuated by journalists and editors who, having inherited
a legacy of State propaganda or opposition fanaticism,
have never had a chance to practice another method.
And, while various agencies exist to teach theory,
ArmeniaNow is the first publication in Armenia to offer
hands-on application.
We offer a journalistic approach unique to its environment
with the hope that as other institutions of the new
republic emerge - business, education, law, etc. - journalism,
led by the example of ArmeniaNow, eventually will follow
the trend toward a democracy-based society.
ArmeniaNow journalists receive a stipend for their
training and production of stories. Funding is made
possible by private donations. For more information
write to