- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
 April 4, 2003 

Refugees Again: Privatization of hotel forces Armenians from Azerbaijan into worse conditions

Refugees Again: Privatization of hotel forces Armenians from Azerbaijan into worse conditions

Every night after 10 p.m. refugees of Sebastia hotel lock their doors, hoping to protect themselves against men who come and would force them from their homes. A group of men representing Parliament Member Paruir Karapetyan, come routinely residents say.

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Outside Eye: A non-Armenian's view of life in his adopted home

Every time I fly into Zvartnots Airport, I think about the first time, more than six years ago.

A beat up Tupolev with seats that bent forward, torn carpet and industrial tape in places where I'd rather not see it at 30,000 feet brought us onto a sparsely lit runway. We got off the plane into the cold outside and walked into a dank terminal that smelled of urine and decay. In fact, the door to the toilet was boarded up, so that business that should have been taken care of inside was nonetheless done against the wooden doors. The effect was what you would expect.

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Fine Vine: Enthusiast for wine on campaign to renew Armenia's favored fruit


Fine Vine: Enthusiast for wine on campaign to renew Armenia's favored fruit

If you take the Old Testament as a history lesson, it is believable that the first wine was made from grapes grown in the Ararat valley.

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Freedom of Expression: Art exhibit shows Iranian women's press for liberation


Freedom of Expression: Art exhibit shows Iranian women's press for liberation

The fresh air of freedom is blowing through an open door for some women in Iran, whose breath of liberation is felt in an art exhibit opened last week in Yerevan.

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Reality in Art: Kareyan exhibit shows eternal conflict of man-nature


Reality in Art: Kareyan exhibit shows eternal conflict of man-nature

"Moral values are the main distinction making man different from animals," says avant garde artist David Kareyan. "My main works, as well, are trying to fill the cultural gaps resulting from the conflicts between the body and mind, artificial and natural, individual and society."

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Sports: National team gets first victory in three years


Sports: National team gets first victory in three years

It was a busy week for the Armenian National football team and new head coach Mihai Stoichita.

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Winning Images
  Winning Images
Marching Orders: Click to enter



Conscripted Death: Judge returns verdict in murder of soldier

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Information Gap: Readers and viewers in Armenia rely on foreign perspective of nearby war

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Paper Work: Grad students get help from research services

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  Photo of the week
  Media Mass
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Media Mass

On Monday journalists met outside the National Assembly to protest a proposed new media law. Among the contentious points of the draft is a stipulation that media outlets must reveal the sources of their financing.


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