- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
 March 28, 2003 

News: Issues of importance in the country and region

War Study: Armenian students watch and worry over families in Baghdad


War Study: Armenian students watch and worry over families in Baghdad

War in Iraq has had a damaging effect on the studies of at least three students in Armenia who have special reasons to worry about what is happening 500 miles from Yerevan.

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Crackdown or Crime?: Arrests continue to follow Presidential Election

At least 72 citizens have been arrested since the March 5 Presidential runoff election in what appears to be a round-up of Opposition supporters. The number may be as high as 103.

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Disturbing the Dead: Concern grows for fate of Armenian cemeteries in Azerbaijan

Disturbing the Dead: Concern grows for fate of Armenian cemeteries in Azerbaijan

The Armenian community is exasperated with the attitude of Azerbaijan authorities towards the Armenian cemeteries and historical monuments on its territory.

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Day of Learning: AUA invites future students to take a look inside

Day of Learning: AUA invites future students to take a look inside

Like most facets of life in Armenia, information about its universities is spread mostly by word of mouth rather than investigation.

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Crackdown or Crime?: Arrests continue to follow Presidential Election

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Disturbing the Dead: Concern grows for fate of Armenian cemeteries in Azerbaijan

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Cybervision: Work of Iraqi-Armenian and American-Armenian meets in the net

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  Photo of the week
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At today's Under-21 football match between Armenia and Northern Ireland, played in Abovian, the match had to be delayed for nearly an hour while workers cleared the pitch of snow. When the field was cleared, the home team played to a 2-0 victory.



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