- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
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 October 10, 2003 

News: Issues of importance in the country and region


Election in Azerbaijan: Aliev Rival Fights to be Heard

When Isa Gambar, Azerbaijan's leading opposition candidate, came to the town of Beilagan recently, he saw walls adorned with dozens of posters of President Heidar Aliev and his son Ilham. There were only three Gambar posters to be seen, all of them torn.

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Commentary: The Autumn of an Apsheron patriarch

Ilham, son of President Heydar Aliev, is once and for all ready to take over the reigns of government in Azerbaijan. It will happen Wednesday (October 15). Judging from the situation in Armenia's neighbor to the east elections will be held the way Heydar Baba, himself, has willed. (The elder Aliev, 80, dropped out of the presidential race last week, yielding the candidacy to his son. Heydar is currently in the United States being treated for life-threatening medical ailments.)

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Progress for Poverty: IMF official praises Armenian poverty reduction plan

A senior official from the International Monetary Fund endorsed on Thursday the Armenian government's 12-year plan to dramatically reduce widespread poverty, saying that its ambitious targets are realistic.

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Conscription or Options: Parliament debates bill on alternative military service

The Armenian parliament opened on Wednesday debates on a bill offering male citizens an alternative to compulsory military service. Alternative service is a condition of membership in the Council of Europe.

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According to Agnes
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Commentary: The Autumn of an Apsheron patriarch

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Progress for Poverty: IMF official praises Armenian poverty reduction plan

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The Week in seven days


The Arts in seven days


  Photos of the week
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Winning looks

Unconfirmed reports say that an unusually high number of girls and women spectators were on hand Friday night at Vazgen Sargsyan Stadium for Spain vs. Armenia. Seems that the Spanish national football team, led in looks by Raul, give the female fans something to cheer about. Even when the home team loses 0-4.



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