Zelim Tadevosyan reads the bill of indictment.
Testimony has finished in the Tigran Naghdalyan
murder trial and the prosecution is asking that
Armen Sargsyan and John Harutyunyan each be sentenced
to 15 years in prison.
Naghdalyan, the chairman of the Board of Directors
of Armenian Public Television, was shot to death
last December 28. Harutyunyan has confessed to
the murder, saying that he was paid to kill the
Sargsyan, the brother of slain Prime Minister
Vazgen Sargsyan is accused of putting out a contract
on Naghdalyan, allegedly for a fee of $75,000.
Arguments in the high-profile case have lasted
about three months and charges were brought against
13 defendants.
Other State-requested sentences are:
Hovhanness "Aper" Harutyunyan, seven
years for conspiracy to commit murder.
Petrosyan (Harutyunyan's driver), seven
years for complicity.
Gegham Shahbazyan, 11 years, for complicity.
Felix Arustamyan, 12 years, for complicity.
remaining defendants, including Liova Harutyunyan
the father of Armen Sargsyan's godson, face one-year
sentences if found guilty.
Naghdalyan's father doesn't think that prosecution
demands fair punishment for the killer.
Concerning a potential sentence for Armen Sargsyan,
the court regarded mitigating circumstances, including
that he has two minor children and that he was
awarded the "Defender of the Republic"
medal for his volunteer service in the Karabakh
Naghdalyan's relatives were displeased with what
they consider light sentences. (According to Armenia's
new criminal code, sentencing options were either
life imprisonment or 15 years.)
"The prosecutors were within an ace of conferring
orders upon them as if these criminals are heroes
of war and have orders and medals," said
Hovhaness Naghdalyan, Tigran Naghdalyan's father.
"I agree maybe they are, but today heroes
turned into monsters."
Karineh Naghdalyan, Tigran Naghdalyan's sister
and legal beneficiary, was offered an opportunity
to make a statement. She declined, asking for
three days to prepare the speech.
On November 10 the defendants' lawyers will also
make closing statements, after which Judge Saro
Aramyan will render verdicts.
court is approaching the final statements'
Before the conclusion of arguments, Aramyan refused
defense attorneys' motion to hear further evidence.
Sargsyan's lawyers say that there are discrepancies
in medical reports and forensic analyses which
contradict testimony. Specifically, they say post-mortem
reports show that the bullet that killed Naghdalyan
entered the nape of his neck and exited his forehead.
John Harutyunyan and a forensic expert gave testimony
exactly the opposite.
Aramyan's refusal to consider further evidence
angered defense lawyers, who accused the judge
of short-circuiting the judicial process.
"Motions I made concerning painting in details
for the trial were aimed at filling the gaps that
had appeared during the preliminary investigation,"
said attorney Robert Grigoryan. "When the
court denies them it means that it doesn't provide
objective, complete and multisided investigation
of the criminal case, namely, it doesn't administer
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here for previous stories on the case. |