Shushan Petrosyan, singer
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Family status: Not married, has a son
Latest work: Released two cds “Mtorumner” (Contemplations) and “Depi Yerkir” (Towards the Earth), on sale at Oskar, Salt Sack and Artbridge botiques
Most recent book read: Paolo Coelho “ Fifth Mountain”
Last movie or performance: Passion of Christ and Sergei Danielyan’s “Io”
What is your “pet peeve”? Lie, arrogance, greed and servility
What do you wish to achieve through your art? Sincere and direct love towards my audience which should give birth to kindness.
Favorite actors: Mel Gibson, Meryl Streep, Sofia Lauren and many many others
Singer: Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight
Visual artist: Boticelli, impressionists, Picasso, Kandinski, Modigliani
In the movie of your life, who should play you? Anyone who perceives sound, word and music the way I do.
If you were on a deserted island what (book, cd, film, painting) would you want with you? The Bible. I definitely wouldn’t take a cd, since nature is the source of music and I won’t need music when I’m close to nature.