
Special Report
Armenia and the Environment: The Challenges of Ecological Integrity in a Developing Republic
Any person wants to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat ecologically clean food, and live in a safe environment. At present, all this is impossible in Armenia.
The republic has its share of environmental problems, including a nuclear power plant subject to contradicting assessments, polluted rivers, reservoirs on the verge of collapse, green zones victimized as a result of construction works.
As part of a seminar on environmental issues, a group of Armenian and foreign journalists investigated some of the problems and prepared the articles in this special section.
Split into three small groups, the journalists studied the quality of drinking water, the state of Yerevan green zones, and the Metsamor Power Plant.
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Counter Charges: Sentencing in April 13 case evokes anger and action
By Vahan Ishkhanyan
ArmeniaNow reporter
The conviction of a man charged with hitting police with a plastic bottle has sparked action from human rights agencies, has led to two activists’ arrests for putting up leaflets calling for his release, and has even led some individuals to write confessions that they are guilty of the same crime.
Last week an Armenian court sentenced Edgar Arakelyan, 24, to 18 months in prison for striking police with a plastic Jermuk water bottle while police were breaking up a political demonstration in the early hours of April 13.
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Fighting for Life: “I couldn’t bury my daughter alive” |
Yulia Kirnitski and Janar Amankulov
ArmeniaNow Interns |
The little girl who has few reasons to smile is holding a ball that says: “ Smile ! Jesus loves you!”
Liana, age 10, was not expected to be alive by now. She has acute myelogenous leucosis, one of the most fatal forms of leukemia.
Four months ago doctors told her father that the girl was too sick to even bother staying in hospital. They told him to take her home. To die.
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Outside Eye: A non-Armenian's view of life in his adopted home |
By John Hughes
ArmeniaNow Editor |
Two young adults with open hearts met a young girl with need and the result can be seen in this week’s story about Liana Givargizova.
Sometimes the story behind the story is worth telling. This is that story . . .
Three years ago a Swiss-Armenian, Vicken Cheterian, had the notion to start a journalism/international studies school in Yerevan. The Swiss government thought it a good idea and put up the money and Vicken and his colleagues started the Caucasus Media Institute.
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Aired Out: Armenia Aviation grounded |
By Rita Karapetian
Special from Institute for War and Peace Reporting (www.iwpr.net) |
The clue to the state of Armenia’s civil aviation industry can be found in Equatorial Guinea, where six Armenian pilots are expected to stand trial shortly, accused of spying and plotting a coup d’etat.
The pilots deny these charges, and the Armenian government claims that they were in the area for perfectly innocent reasons. Foreign ministry spokesman Gamlet Gasparyan said that dozens of Armenian pilots are being forced to find work in Africa because the state aviation company Armenian Airlines, AA, has been declared bankrupt and is facing a Russian takeover.
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