- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
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 September 12, 2003 

News: Issues of importance in the country and region


Death for Death Penalty: Capital punishment abolished; Human Rights Law approved

After long discussions and debates the recently elected National Assembly of Armenia has officially abolished the death penalty in Armenia and ratified the Sixth Protocol of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Both decisions were crucial to Armenia gaining membership in the Council of Europe.

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Tigran Naghdalyan Murder Case: Prosecutor accuses attorney of having fake license

The much-anticipated testimony of Felix Arustamyan, a defendant in the Tigran Naghdalyan murder trial, remains unheard after a week of procedural wrangling during which Arustamyan's got a new attorney.

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Bad Connection: Government wants to invalidate telecommunications monopoly of ArmenTel

The Government of Armenia has held public meetings to voice its disappointment with the performance of ArmenTel, the Greek-Armenian Joint Stock telecommunications company which has a service monopoly in Armenia which extends for another 10 years.

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According to Agnes
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Death for Death Penalty: Capital punishment abolished; Human Rights Law approved

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Tigran Naghdalyan Murder Case: Prosecutor accuses attorney of having fake license

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Bad Connection: Government wants to invalidate telecommunications monopoly of ArmenTel

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The Week in seven days



The Arts in seven days


  Photo of the week
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September 11, Yerevan. Commemorating the American tragedy, events at Moscow cinema hosted by the US embassy became a solemn tribute due to Armenian citizens -- officials, clergymen, simple people, children, who came to join their voices to the world's choir condemning terrorism.



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