- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
 March 21, 2003 

Features: People and events of interest

Civic Service: Yerevan school presidential election is a lesson in democracy


Civic Service: Yerevan school presidential election is a lesson in democracy

On March 15, 10 days after President Robert Kocharyan won re-election over Stepan Demirchyan, Presidential elections again were held.

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Glory Days: Men of Echmiadzin look back on volunteer service in Karabakh


Glory Days: Men of Echmiadzin look back on volunteer service in Karabakh

The 15th anniversary of the Karabakh Movement, being celebrated this spring throughout Armenia, has special significant to many families in Echmiadzin.

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Flight of Fear: As war begins, some from Iraq seek refuge in Armenia

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Border War: Kurds in Armenia watch fighting in Iraq with special interest

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Before the Bombs: Locals and foreigners gather in small war protest

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  Photo of the week
  Minor Protest
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Minor Protest

Members of "Mister and Miss Armenia", an organization that produces children's pageants and contests held a beauty protest outside the United States Embassy in Yerevan Thursday. The kids recently were in Iraq, and wanted to demonstrate their feelings to the US presence here.



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