Special Edition: A virtual visit to
It is hot now in Armenia. The roads are dusty and the
air is thick. Must be tourist season. If you make it
here, come visit us at ArmeniaNow. If you can't make
it, we hope you enjoy this taste of a visit - a special
edition of (we hope you agree) non-typical travel stories.
Enjoy your visit. And come back next week for our next
regular news/feature I-journal.
Don't Drink the Water, Do Drink
the Vodka: Ten survival tips for visiting Armenia
By Dina Horwedel
Honorary ArmeniaNow staff reporter |
My only previous foray into this part of the world
was during Communist times, when I visited the former
East Berlin and took a train journey through East Germany.
My impressions were of this: the hollow sound of footsteps
of KGB agents following my every move, and ducking into
a restaurant, where, after every order I placed, I was
told "we are out of that." I asked what they
did have. "Potato soup." I took the potato
Full story
Healthy Holiday: Jermuk offers
a getaway from the city into the waters of life
By Vahan Ishkhanyan
ArmeniaNow reporter |
One word can be used to describe Jermuk: water. Jermuk's
healing mineral water is used for treating diseases;
drinking water; bathing streams; and streams flowing
from the mountains break the silence of the streets
of this lonely spring town with their babble.
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Must-see Market: Vernissage is
a best-seller among tourists and locals
By Suren
ArmeniaNow reporter |
It is impossible to think that a tourist would visit
Armenia and not find Yerevan's "vernissage"
open market, shopping mall, bazaar and all-around cultural
curiosity center.
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Get Away in Armenia: Alpinists
federation makes extreme tourism safe
By Gayane Mkrtchyan
ArmeniaNow reporter |
Visitors to Armenia now have more active options to
seeing the country. Extreme tourism, geared for more
active vacationers that prefer to hike, bike, climb,
and more, are contributing to tourism's development
in Armenia.
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Soul Food: St. Zoravor is a haven
among chaos
By John
ArmeniaNow editor |
It is a nation of churches, Armenia.
One of its newest, St. Grigor the Illuminator, was
consecrated by Pope John Paul II during a visit here
two years ago.
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Intoxicating Tour: Brandy factory
offers a tasty hour in Yerevan
By John
ArmeniaNow editor |
There's really not a lot to see on a tour of the Yerevan
Brandy Factory. Once you've seen one barrel or bottle,
the next one isn't all that different.
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Memories in Music: A taste of Armenia
from the sounds of its musicians
By Gayane
ArmeniaNow editor |
Want to take a slice of Armenia home from your vacation?
Music is a good way to do it. Music is a rich part of
Armenian culture, and tapes and CDs pack easily and
are inexpensive in Armenia. Visitors can take full advantage
of a wide musical selection with low prices in shops
along the streets in the center.
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Carpet Magic: Buying an Armenian
rug is an art or a war
By John
ArmeniaNow editor |
If your holiday in Armenia includes shopping for a
rug, get used to hearing these words:
"My friend. For you, a special deal."
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Armenia's Coffee Culture: Beans
and brew and futures told in cups
By Gayane Mkrtchyan
ArmeniaNow reporter |
Even though Armenia's claim to fame is not coffee cultivation,
Armenians are famous for their love of the drink. A
typical Armenian family begins its morning with a steaming,
tiny, cup of coffee.
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Shopping for a Symbol?: The pomegranate
has a long tradition and mythology
By Gayane Mkrtchyan
ArmeniaNow reporter |
This season of the year, when the fruit trees have
already bloomed, nature has another surprise in store
for visitors in Armenian gardens. Pomegranates begin
blossoming in the southern and northeastern regions
of Armenia.
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Fermented Wishes: The art of toast-making
in Armenia
By Gayane Mkrtchyan
ArmeniaNow reporter |
A visitor to Armenia can learn a lot by sitting at
a dinner table and listening to toasts. They are an
art form here.
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Meaning in Movement: The Armenian
dance has tradition, but welcomes interpretation
By Gayane
ArmeniaNow reporter |
If you attend a party in Armenia (and it is very likely
you will), you will experience the Armenian dance -
an elegant mix of movements that can at once resemble
the Dance of the Veils or the Sabre Dance.
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Duduk: From apricot tree to world
stage, the national sound of Armenia
By Gayane
ArmeniaNow reporter |
Duduk's tender and fragile sounds are spreading throughout
the majestic Armenian mountains, telling our history
in the echo lost far beyond.
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A Meating Place:
Armenia's "national" food isn't for vegetarians |
Photos by
ArmeniaNow photographer
Pity the person who is a vegetarian in Armenia.
If there is a national dance, a national instrument
and a national fruit, there surely is also a national
food: "khoravats". |
Capital Convenience: Yerevan hotels
offer upgraded accommodations
By Suren
ArmeniaNow reporter |
Visitors in Yerevan can rest assured that they can
look forward to a wide variety of Western-style accommodations
during their travels.
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