- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
 April 25, 2003 

News: Issues of importance in the country and region

Honoring the Honorable: Norweigan paid tribute at Genocide memorial


Honoring the Honorable: Norweigan paid tribute at Genocide memorial

"Charity is real policy," said benefactor Fridtjof Nansen, who in his heart created a blissful country where everyone could find a shelter irrespective of religion and nationality.

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Reinstated: Police department loses case against member of Jehovah's Witness

Reinstated: Police department loses case against member of Jehovah's Witness

The head of the financial subdivision of the Stepanavan Police Department Zemfira Voskanyan, who was dismissed from her position for her religious beliefs has been reintated.

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The Cost of Candidacy: Program calls for expense accountability in upcoming election

The Cost of Candidacy: Program calls for expense accountability in upcoming election

A program aimed at supporting more transparent elections was launched last week in Yerevan in preparation for next month's Parliamentary elections.

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  "Turkish Flag"
Click on the photo above to enlarge


Film Flap: Protestors stop showing of Turkish movie in Yerevan

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Honoring the Honorable: Norweigan paid tribute at Genocide memorial

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Reinstated: Police department loses case against member of Jehovah's Witness

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  Photo of the week
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Pain in Paint

Yesterday (April 24) members of Mihr youth organization gathered in a park near the State Conservatory where they used black (tragedy) and red (blood) paint to depict Mt. Ararat from its western side. On a white canvas they painted names of villages where Genocide took place.



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