- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
March 19, 2004

Hazardous Duty: Another conscript dies at the hands of a “comrade”

Another member of the Armenian army has died from wounds inflicted by a fellow soldier.

Private Artur Grigoryan, 18, is the latest casualty of soldier-against-soldier violence.

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Uprooted and Ruined: Greed crisis does more damage than energy crisis to Yerevan 's “green belt”

The dramatic proliferation of street cafes in recent years has inflicted twice as much damage on Yerevan 's green belt as the severe energy crisis of the early 1990s that had forced many residents to cut trees for heating purposes, according to environmentalists.

The Social-Ecological Association, a local non-governmental organization, estimates that more than 700 hectares of green areas have been lost in the construction boom.

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Plastered by Music: “Speghani” holds together in song

“Buzz, buzzing bug, what are you doing? I'm spinning yarn,” sings Speghani choir.

If you haven't yet reached the fifth floor of the Yerevan Design Institute, where the choir is rehearsing, then it will seem to you there is a huge nest of bugs upstairs. “Bug” is a song for children, which was written specially for Speghani (a word meaning “plaster”).

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Sailing on Sound: Armenian Navy Band opens home base in Yerevan

On March 13 the Armenian Navy Band and its founder Arto Tuncboyaciyan opened the doors of their long-expected “Avant Garde Folk Song Club and announced the release of the Armenian Navy Band's second compact disc, “The Voice of Our Life”.

“This club will become such a place where even the bravest ideas will be realized, where the borders separating artists from the art will be erased and the new things or old things presented in new form will be created,” says Tuncboyaciyan.

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Nuri-Nuris: Fate and the art of doll making

Every Saturday morning Ashot Khalatyan takes a bag full of good luck to sell at Yerevan 's outdoor bazaar, vernisage.

Inside the bag are the black bearded faces and traditionally-decorated headwear of dolls created thread by thread to hold together a tradition that reaches to pagan times in Armenia.

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Sports: Winner in Stepanakert: Asryan claims chess crown in Karabakh

On March 17 all matches of the finished and the only thing left is closing ceremony that will take place on March 18 at the Officers' Club Auditorium in Stepanakert.

Armenian grandmaster Karen Asryan has won the nine-round Tigran Petrosyan 75th Anniversary Memorial Chess Tournament in Stepanakert, Karabakh.

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According to Agnes


At Risk: Sanctions in Georgia reveal Armenia's regional vulnerability

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Medicine on the Go: Villagers get treatment delivered to their door

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Fire and Rain and a Rain of Fire

Georgian President Mikael Saakhasvili braved rain for a visit to the Genocide Memorial in Yerevan last Saturday. The next day, his motorcade was fired upon as he tried to enter Ajaria, a contentiously contested autonomous republic on Georgia's Black Sea coast.


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