- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
February 06, 2004

News: Issues of importance in the country and region


Hungry to be Heard: Prisoners want a review of sentences after ratification of Criminal Code

Forty-one of 51 convicts serving time for capital crimes have gone on a hunger strike at a state prison in the Nubarashen district of Yerevan. The prisoners are demanding a meeting with representatives of the European Union, Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, to protest changes in their sentences.

Specifically, the prisoners are demanding that the overseeing bodies review their cases, now that Armenia has done away with the death penalty.

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Card Controversy: Opponents of identification system decry "human labeling"

The powerful earthquake that hit the Iranian city of Bam and killed about 40,000 people last month caused controversial comments among Armenian seismologists.

The President of the Armenian Association of Seismologists and Earth Physics invited journalists to a press conference last week to announce that the earthquake in Iran would cause a high seismic activity in the next 12 months in the whole region including Armenia.

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Armenia Armed: Republic's first gun show featured international firepower

By Gayane Mkrtchyan
ArmeniaNow reporter

Moving ever closer to achieving Wild West aspirations, Armenia had its first gun show last week.

Organized by the Union of Hunters and Fisherman of Armenia, the show and sale attracted about 35 to 40 to the opening out for a look or a purchase of weapons.

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According to Agnes


Hungry to be Heard: Prisoners want a review of sentences after ratification of Criminal Code

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Card Controversy: Opponents of identification system decry "human labeling"

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