- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
 November 14 , 2003 

News: Issues of importance in the country and region


Capital Gains: Newer, expensive and more, more, more vehicles make Yerevan a moving parking lot of car fever

The number of vehicles registered in Yerevan in three-fourths of this year shows a dramatic increase over the number registered in an entire year only five years ago.

According to Yerevan traffic police, during the first eight months of 2003 over 21,000 cars were registered - 18,000 privately, and the rest for state use. As recently as 1998, less than 1,000 were registered in a year's time.

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Suing Over Sewage: Dashnaks encourage residents to file legal complaints over water problems

Encouraged by Armenia's most powerful political party, thousands of Yerevan residents are expected to sue the Yerevan Water and Sewage JSC, charging that the water company's negligence led to the breakdown of water lines on October 25.

The breakdown affected the routine of approximately 200,000 residents of Arabkir and Central district, where the contaminated water triggered an epidemic of dysentery and sent 260 people to hospital.

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Armenia's Watergate: Politicians talk, experts explain, citizens wait

A number of 'Ws' remain unanswered concerning water problems resulting from a ruptured pipe some three weeks ago. Who will take responsibility for the inconvenience of hundreds of thousands of citizens and the hospitalization of more than 200? And, when?

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Defense Spending: Relief organization announces initiative against HIV/AIDs

Over the next two years, World Vision Armenia intends to spend $3.2 million on AIDs prevention, treatment and awareness in Armenia.

Funding for the initiative comes from the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDs, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

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The Naghdalyan Case: Sargsyan swears oath on son's life of his own innocence

Family of Tigran Naghdalyan and defendants in his murder trial have had their final say and it is now up to Judge Saro Aramyan to render a verdict within the next 10 days.

Naghdalyan, the chairman of the Board of Directors of Armenian Public Television, was shot to death last December 28.

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According to Agnes
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Suing Over Sewage: Dashnaks encourage residents to file legal complaints over water problems

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Armenia's Watergate: Politicians talk, experts explain, citizens wait

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Defense Spending: Relief organization announces initiative against HIV/AIDs

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The Week in seven days


The Arts in seven days


  Photo of the week
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Two Smoking Barrels?

Russia's Minister of Defense, Sergei Ivanov (smoking left) and Armenia's Minister of Defense Serzh Sargsyan (smoking right) blew smoke together this week during a visit to the Genocide Monument.



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