Rubina Ghazarian, 52, business woman
would vote for someone else if I see a proper
replacement of the
current President. However in the oppositional
team I don't see any decent candidate.
I am coming from Iran. I gave up on my citizenship
and gained Armenian
citizenship. This is my first Presidential elections.
to what I saw in my country, the elections in
Armenia seem to be well
I see the process for improvement started, it
could have been done much
better. I would like to see further improvements
after the elections -- particularly a change of
monopoly status of some companies, which create
large market distortions and inhibits free market
economy development.
Another thing I would suggest is the fight against
corruption. These two are very essential. Once
the corruption is down, more money will be in
the budget to take care of social programs, salaries
and pension.
We have to know our leaders before we decide
to follow
them. Otherwise it is too early to talk about
democracy in Armenia, once the votes are for sale.