night President Robert Kocharyan and Stepan Demirchyan,
his challenger in tomorrow's Presidential Election
runoff, faced each other and six journalists in
the first live Presidential Election debate in
the history of the country.
According to Public Television authorities, almost
100 percent of its estimated 2.5 million viewers
tuned in to hear what the candidates had to say
in the two-hour plus debate.
The debate had been announced on Sunday, but
as late as 7 p.m. Monday - with the event scheduled
for 9:30 - Demirchyan was saying he would not
participate because the format favored Kocharyan.S
said having six journalists present questions
would not be a debate but a "Kocharyan press
conference", and said he would only participate
if the two faced off on their own in front of
Demirchyan campaign staff today told ArmeniaNow
that the candidate changed his mind after television
stations started reporting that he'd backed out
and suggesting that he was afraid to face Kocharyan.
Many here are now saying Demirchyan should have
stuck with his decision to boycott, saying that
Kocharyan proved a more confident politician and
more composed public debater.
The general structure of the program - which
began about 9:30 p.m. and ended about 11:45 p.m.
- allowed six television journalists to ask one
question each, after which the candidates were
given unlimited time to answer and rebut.
ArmeniaNow reporters monitored the debate to
report the candidates' answers in four significant
topics of the Decision 2003 runoff.
Relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey
Demirchyan: "The brief answer is
(relations) could not be at the expense of our
national dignity . . .
"We consider positive that the fact of Armenian
genocide was recognized in many countries. We
must create friendly relations with all the countries
in the region.
"The fact of recognition of the genocide
is positive and in this case we have to mention
we had been fighting for that in Soviet times
and after that as well as Diaspora.
"As for the relations with Azerbaijan it
is obvious the relations will be settled only
after the issue of Karabakh is resolved.
"I consider the fact that Karabakh is not
a part of negotiations, that it has been out of
negotiations, as a negative.
"The Karabakh-Azerbaijan conflict today
is regarded as Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict and
it supposes some concessions.
"Our position on that issue is very concrete.
The issue must be resolved in a peaceful way.
The Armenian territory can not be a subject of
bargaining. Everything must be done in order to
make Karabakh as a part of the negotiation. And
for us it will be acceptable whatever solution
which is acceptable for the people of Nagorno
Kocharyan: "That was a very interesting
comment. The conflict of 1997 took place because
of that. At that time the authorities said the
following: 'The option which is acceptable for
Karabakh is acceptable for us.
"That was the position which resulted in
Armenia finding itself under serious pressure.
The situation was developed when an entity which
was not recognized by the international community
does not have recourses to fully struggle. That
is invitation for the pressure. And that was a
reason why in 1997 we got proposals which were
unacceptable. That was a reason that we had the
Lisbon Treaty.
"As for the cooperation with Azerbaijan
I can understand that Demirchyan has not been
involved in such processes.
"There are two approaches. One is adopted
by us which US and the European community had
been trying to put in action was the following:
Not to wait until the issue be settled and then
cooperation, but to undertake cooperation which
created favorable conditions for the settlement.
That position is very favorable for us. That position
allows us to have supporters on behalf of the
European Union and the different ways of cooperation
as cooperation in transportation field, journalists
exchange, the problems concerning water in boarding
"The thing is that: to create an environment
which will decrease tense relations and to some
extent make easier the acceptation of a future
difficult solution."
Social conditions in Armenia
Demirchyan: "It is obvious first
of all working places must be established and
socially aimed policy must be put into practice.
Today society is extremely polarized; this polarization
reaches its extreme points. In this condition
it is particularly important to have a just fight
against corruption, bribery and injustice.
Kocharyan: "I can provide you with
figures that are not government figures, but results
of the World Bank examination. In 1997-2001 the
number of people in extreme poverty in Armenia
was a little bit more than 26 percent total. It
diminished to 17 percent within the recent five
"In my program there are mentioned precisely
30-40,000 jobs, support for small, medium businesses
and establishment of farming and oriented social
policy. We have set a family allowance and we
will improve this idea of the family allowance
every year.
"The income difference between 20 percent
of rich and 20 percent of extremely poor five
years ago was 39 times as much; now it is 16 times
as much. In case we will be able consistently
to continue the policy, we will have significant
changes in coming five years.
"Social policy aimed at poor layers of the
society. We elaborated such a program together
with international financial institutions and
that program proposes both significant financial
investments and very important steps to regulate
those issues. Our nation will necessarily feel
fruitfulness of those steps. We say eight to twelve
percent economic growth annually, which means
we will undertake serious steps to increase pensions
and salaries every year and so on. We not only
announce, but also say that we have a three year
period behind. The way we passed, the experience,
and already elaborated program are the best guarantees
we could have."
Economic cooperation in the region and Europe
(Candidates were asked their opinion of Armenia
joining EurAZES, the European Economic Cooperation,
the future of the Commonwealth of Independent
States and positions on general cooperation.)
Demirchyan: "I am for integrative
processes. If necessary Armenia will join (EurAZES).
But we have to consider this according to the
subject. Today we first have to enlarge and deepen
our relations with Russia. We were and we are
for that. At the same time we welcome integrative
processes. I accept ruble zone, but all this is
subject-based conversation . . .
(Journalist Aram Safaryan interjected: "We
are a member of the World Trade Organization.
Members of the are not members of that organization.
This is a very serious issue, and there is a problem
with signing it. The deadline for signing expires
in the end of August or in the beginning of September,
and Armenia has to determine its position.")
Demirchyan: "This is rather important
issue, it must be discussed in a serious manner
and there must be decisions made regarding that:
One can think of this as of a position."
Kocharyan: "I didn't understand Mr.
Demirchyan's position regarding this. One can
consider serious discussion as a position?"
Demirchyan: "Yes, one can."
Kocharyan: "We became a member of
the World Trade Organization, but there are other
unions in the framework of that organization -
third countries, which so to speak have more free
trading regimes with each other. For instance,
European Union.
"All the countries of the European Union
are members of the World Trade Organization, but
they have this kind of cooperation. EurAZES proposes
certain steps. Today we are starting important
processes with EurAZES countries. We applied for
the observer status and now we are considering
the ways to combine our duties to the World Trade
Organization and with the EurAZES' rules of the
game. It is possible to find that principle, and
become a member in the framework of this principle.
It may not be easy, and there may be a necessity
to establish special commission and to implement
some works concerning all the products of those
trading regimes. I am sure we are able to find
this principle."
Concerning accusations following the preliminary
Demirchyan: "I see falsifications of the
authorities and of media which supports authorities
and in general authorities' supporters. And I
have that sense of proportion; however, we don't
see the proper indulgence from the authorities,
and proper approaches. I, myself, am against extreme
demonstrations. But we were and will always be
of principal in our challenges. So when we come
to power you will see how polite our relations
will be."
Kocharyan: "You know, I say one thing.
Not only did I not overstep the limits during
agitation campaign but there wasn't even one measure,
one mass meeting, with my participation during
which one of those who held a speech had overstepped
limits or abused some other candidate. I just
warned beforehand all my supporters not to dare
to talk using terminology or curses or some other
suchlike manifestations.
"Yes, maybe Mr. Demirchyan himself never
said that but people standing next to him on the
same stage overstepped all possible and impossible
moral limits and I don't know if it is, let's
say, verbal understanding or assignment of parts
then it's clear. But if not, if it is Mr. Demirchyan's
principal approach then he doesn't control the
situation or his associates don't regard him as
their leader and don't listen to him.
"So it is one of those two factors. . .
. if he doesn't control the situation then it
is worse for the candidate to the Presidential
post. If in that case you don't control that small
team how will you control the country? One must
be able to govern on wider level and be responsible
for the decisions he makes. In this case, of course,
there are formulations of questions as there were
calls full of sever anti-constitutional abuses
at his presence. That's it."
Demirchyan: "First of all, I'm against
personal abuses. You say that it's not me, who
says that but others. Then believe that during
agitation campaign such calls were sounded not
by people standing next to me but by ordinary
people. We never do that at our time. You say
you don't allow such calls but Public TV does
that for you during its so-called black PR. Those
newspapers, which support you, and others. So
there are much more abuses. But we, of course,
don't pay attention to all of that. Generally
I think it's not normal when you talk using abuses
and curse."
Kocharyan: "But hadn't it happened
in your presence?"
Demirchyan: "You know that sometimes some
emotional speeches are held and one shouldn't
make conclusions taking into account those speeches
and saying that the team is not governing and
how will it be in charge of the country. We will
be governing very well. Together with that team
we will be governing well and normal. And have
you made agreement with Public TV concerning law
violations, black agitation and anti-propaganda
taken place during last three days? Has there
been mutual agreement?
Kocharyan: "I want to know facts."
Demirchyan: "I'm talking using facts.
And what should people do when they are illegally
arrested, when activists put pressure on them
and different kinds of pressure on different levels."
Kocharyan: "I can just say the following.
That line of conduct, about which I have mentioned,
started not three days ago or four days ago, it
had started during main agitation campaign from
the moment when Aram Sargsyan had joined Mr. Demirchyan
with his approaches. That was those days approximately
one month ago. Those days nobody had been arrested.
Everything was fine. Everybody had opportunity
for Public TV and opposition had more hours for
holding speeches on Public TV, all candidates
had the same opportunity. And everything we had
been watching on TV for hours I just consider
to be violation of all ethical norms. So let's
not attach that line of conduct to last three-four
days and let's realize very clearly when it has
started. I accept that you with your character
and nature are more balanced person but after
that unification, aggression has appeared."