strong plank in President Robert Kocharyan's campaign
platform has been his success in bringing a 12-percent
economic growth to Armenia over the past five
His challenger, Stepan Demirchyan could lay no
such claim to economic development, but managed
anyway to earn a place in tomorrow's Presidential
Election runoff. And over just the past two weeks,
it seems the very fact of the runoff has increased
business fasr more than 12 percent for one segment
of the Armenia business world . . .
"Thanks to these demonstrations I earned
more money than I could have earned during a week,"
says 70-year old Rosa, who sells sunflower seeds.
They have become as much a part of this election
season as black coats and phony smiles. And their
use has turned the path to the Institute of Manuscripts
into the world's largest bird-cage floor as politicians
descending Mashtots walk through puddles of the
crunchy little seeds into their adoring masses.
An unscientific but reliable survey by ArmeniaNow
found that seed sales- at 25 drams (about 4 cents)
per shot glass -- are up by as much as 200 percent
in the rally district.
has been selling seeds for 15 years, and she says
demonstrations since February 20 have made nearly
every day her best - comparable only to Independence
Day, September 21.
"When people crack seeds during demonstrations,
it means that they came there for no particular
reason, just in order to be present," says
another representative of that business Henrik
Aramyan, 65. He recalled the Karabakh movement's
demonstrations of 1988, when hundreds of thousands
were raising their fists for hours.
"Who would dare to crack seeds at that holy
moment, or who would dare to sell seeds?"
says Aramyan.
However, the five Demirchyan and one Kocharyan
demonstrations were a seed-sellers' gold rush.
Another Rosa, this one 74 and a 10-year veteran
vendor took up a strategic position along Mashtots
for yesterday's Kocharyan demonstration, but was
disappointed to learn that the pro-Kocharyan forces
are less keen on cracking than is the Opposition.
"Either they (the Opposition) were more
generous, or more idle," mentions the seller.
A Yerevan street sweeper agreed that fewer flower
seeds fell on Mashtots Monday though the crowd
was significantly larger than on previous days.
"Today there is incomparably less seeds
rubbish than after the previous demonstrations,"
the sweeper said. "Perhaps there are more
officials and they feel shy of cracking, or as
they are richer they buy only nuts."
the Kocharyan demonstration there were less seeds-sellers.
If during the previous demonstration one could
see vendors every 100 meters, yesterday the monopoly
of that business was given to six or seven people.
But, word having apparently spread in the seed-selling
community that the Opposition is crazy for cracking,
about twice as many sellers went to Republic Square
"None of the demonstrations were useful
for anyone but us," said Arusyak, a chemist
by education but a seed seller by necessity. "The
demonstrations were not even started, but I had
already earned 3,000 drams (about $5.15). What
a pity that I had brought with me only five kilograms,
otherwise I would have earned more."
Yesterday's dual rallies presented a politico-economic
crises for at least one seed seller.
"Today my business is not going on well,"
says Nelly Muradyan. " I have always thought
that the Republic Square is not my place, my sunflower
seeds have always sold badly here.
"But I could not stay near the Matenadaran
and listen to the lies of the authorities, in
spite of the fact that I don't believe in what
Demirchyan says."