- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
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 December 6, 2002 

Nightmares and Making Peace: A mother looks back at 14 years of loss

After a few years' break Laura again started cooking dolma, when one day her son said: "Mom, would you make that meal with green leaf?"

After the earthquake she wasn't cooking dolma for a long time, as it had been the favorite meal of her 10-year old and 12-year old sons who died under ruins. Artyom was born a year later...

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A non-Armenian's view of life in his adopted home

Just as love doesn't need a reason, grief has no language. Which is why standing in this yard of a stranger brought to me, not by life but by her death, something stirs in my heart - a kind of confused sadness - that looks for a means of expression but finds none.

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Field Trip: Armenian delegation goes to Hungary for lessons in city finance

As part of its technical assistance and training to Armenian municipal officials, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) sponsored a trip of Armenian finance specialists to Hungary last week.

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Lost and Found: New television program will search for the missing

"Hello, my name is Alla Mkhitaryan. I am looking for my brother Vladimir born in 1959. Vladimir was married and had a daughter. In 1993 he left home and never returned."

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In Recognition: Disabled persons honored with special day

Armenia joined the United Nation's observance of International Day of Disabled Persons Tuesday (December 3).

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AIDS Awareness Day: Specialists call on lawmakers for education campaign

At the beginning of last year, when a child was infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) from donated blood and died in a short period of time, for the first time Armenian society realized that the real danger of HIV/AIDS is not far away and that the number of virus carriers is not small at all.

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Sports Digest

The Association of Tennis Professionals has finished its season leaving the following results for Armenians on the tour...

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Fair Pay?: Salaries for civil servants and government officials set for dramatic increase

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Frequency Fight: Top Independent TV Station Still Off The Air

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Repeated Tragedy: Another animal dies at Yerevan zoo

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  Photo of the week

Work this Way

As Yerevan gets new walkways as part of its Lincy-funded facelift (well, footlift in this case), a youngster gets a lesson in masonry from a worker near Opera Square.



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