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 December 6, 2002 

From our readers

Regarding the article about Tigran (Outside Eye November 22), and the article on Women in Black, I have to congratulate you on the excellent way of revealing the
subject, which is very saddening, and needs to be corrected.

N. Badiguian

While reading the Women in Black article I couldn't help but wonder how prosecutors and investigators could not differentiate between suicide and murder. Perhaps having yearly job performance reviews of any and all professionals would help with their job performance and inform both the person and their superiors (and possibly the public) about their competency in their field.

Shirag Najarian

I was pleased to read your article on Atom Egoyan's new film (Outside Eye, November 15).

Your approach to the subject of genocide, however, leaves me puzzled. I
lived in Armenia for a year. I have witnessed, first hand, the problems you mention,
especially in my travels throughout the country. I am not one of 'those'
Diaspora Armenians that have no idea what they are talking about when they
think of Armenia.

You are right in suggesting that Armenia will not see its situation improve
with international recognition of the genocide. However, the two issues -
that of improving conditions in Armenia and of recognizing the genocide -
are completely separate.

I also take issue with your attempt to belittle the
attachment Diaspora Armenians have with Turkey. Having travelled
extensively through Eastern Turkey, I must say that despite historic events,
I feel more culturally at home there than in Armenia itself, with its
profoundly Russified culture - even down to the cuisine.

This does not mean that I enjoyed Armenia less, or felt less of an attachment to the people there. But that is not where my family comes from. I have no blood
relatives there. I GREW to feel at home in Armenia, but did not feel so

I want recognition of the genocide for ME. I want the international
community to help Armenia - for THEM. I like to hope I can have both. No
movie can 'save' Armenia, but this movie may be able to put the issue of the
genocide on the world stage.

Kristin Cavoukian

As a non Armenian but one who has made some 40 visits carrying aid to the towns and villages of both Armenia and Karabakh, I can say that never in all those trips have I ever heard the word genocide uttered by the recipients of my aid.

Like you I too support and support deeply the unrecognized crimes committed against the Armenian race but I must align myself with your views (Outside Eye, November 15). If only 50 percent of the effort that the Diaspora apply to genocide recognition be applied to what the resident Armenians need the economy, the well being, the future would all be improved beyond measure.

David Dowell


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