- Independent Journalism From Today's Armenia
 June 06, 2003 

Hair Ball: Stylists do the do in Yerevan


Hairdresses, stylists and makeup artists from Armenia, Georgia and Russia met in Yerevan last Saturday for a competition . . .
. . . sponsored by "World Champion" hairdresser Sergey Zverev of Russia, who has a chain of beauty salons, including one in Yerevan.
It was a day of spray . . .
. . . and of mirrors that lie . . .
. . . of dress up . . .
. . . and playing with Mother Nature . . .
. . . of dresses that moved . . .
. . . and hair that didn't (but maybe should have). Some 50 hairdressers, stylists, makeup artists and florists competed for certificates and trophies. Winning cosmetologists were invited to work at the Zverev salon in Yerevan.


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