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 December 20, 2002 
While the staff of ArmeniaNow enjoys Armenia's long holiday, we wish all our readers a very happy New Year and (Armenian) Christmas. Please come back January 10 for more information from our home to yours that we hope you'll find useful.
Click here to find cheer in the work of ArmeniaNow cartoonist Agnes Avagyan Click here to find cheer in the work of ArmeniaNow cartoonist Agnes Avagyan
Bordered by Business: Nationalities mingle over merchandise in northern market


Bordered by Business: Nationalities mingle over merchandise in northern market

Old women and men bent by the load of their huge bags, youngsters carrying fruits and vegetables on push-carts and just people wondering around or rushing somewhere is the usual scene of what can be seen at the Sadahlo market before holidays.

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Outside Eye: A non-Armenian's view of life in his adopted home

It is -7 Celsius degrees outside. That's about 18, for you in Fahrenheit world. By any measure, dang cold.

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Green New Year?: Restrictions imposed on holiday tree cutting


Green New Year?: Restrictions imposed on holiday tree cutting

A government official promises that this New Year's Eve Armenians will celebrate around fir trees cut from some place other than their own country.

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Ageless Care: Young volunteers help elderly refugees


Ageless Care: Young volunteers help elderly refugees

Katarina entered an office room and saw Emma crying. She asked what had happened and found out that Emma's grandfather had died. Katarina was persuading Emma to go home, but she didn't want to. About 30 minutes later Katarina realized from the conversation that it was not Emma's grandfather who died, but an elderly refugee whom Emma had been caring for.

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Cold Reality: The more debts mount, the fewer homes rely on old heating system


Cold Reality: The more debts mount, the fewer homes rely on old heating system

Before, thanks to centralized system and stable financing, in winter days almost all residents were provided with heating in Armenia. Homes were furnished with radiator systems in which heated water kept apartments reasonably warm.

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Sweet Notes from Greece: Young Armenian gets honors in piano competition


Sweet Notes from Greece: Young Armenian gets honors in piano competition

Twelve year old Lilit Babayan of Yerevan has won second place in the Eighth International Piano Contest earlier this month in Greece.

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Sports Digest: Best Armenian sportsman of 2002


Sports Digest: Best Armenian sportsman of 2002

Wrestler Aram Margaryan has been named Sportsman of the Year by Armenian sports reporters.

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Conscience on Trial: Jehovah's Witnesses continue to face imprisonment for religious beliefs

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Flight of Fright: Armenian woman says Azeris detained, threatened her at airport

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Spawning Extinction?: Once abundant fish source now decreased in Lake Sevan

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  Photo of the week: Snow Monster
Click on the photo above to enlarge

Happy Holidays

With each day Yerevan starts to look more like Santaville, as residents, and especially merchants - like these at Grand Candy - decorate for a season that will last at least till "Old New Year" on January 13.


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